Yesterday, there was some random plastic box appeared in my living room. What is that? And suddenly, the box was moving. I was shocked. What the hell was thatt? Monster? No, it's not a monster. So I decided to look through the box... oh. It's a cat!!
Her name is Maya, less than a year old. She is a Persian Calico cat!! Isn't she beautiful? She has three colors : black, white and orange. That's why they call it Calico. It is said that this Calico is the best of its class. And also she has fluffy, silky long hair and also... bright orange eyes. ULTRA CUTE!!
Karena gemesin dan friendly banget, terus aja itu kucing gue pegang-pegang sampai akhirnya yang empunya (pacarnya si adik) membawa pulang. Yaaah sediih :( see you again Maya!! Btw si Maya ini nantinya akan dijual looh. Tolong berikan aku beberapa juta rupiah saja (dollars are welcome), agar bisa membeli Maya.
And this picture will go to 9gag. Hahaha. Look at her face!!
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